
DirectoryStorage Installation

1. Non-ZEO Zope Installation

  1. Note that DirectoryStorage needs at least Zope 2.6.0 or at least Zope 3.1.0, respectively.

  2. On Windows, you will need have the win32all extensions available. If using the ActiveState ActivePython distribution these are included as standard. If using the distribution of python, you will need a seperate download from the win32all sourceforge project.

  3. Compile DirectoryStorage's C extensions with the following standard distutils command:

    $ python build
  4. Install DirectoryStorage. Choose one of the following options:

    1. The following command installs DirectoryStorage into your standard Python libraries location:

      $ python install

      Note that you may need to use a full path to python, or name a specific version such as python2.3. Use the same version of python that you are using for Zope.

    2. You can also install DirectoryStorage into specific Zope installations only. Use the following command to do that:

      $ python install --home=/path/to/your/zope

      This will install the DirectoryStorage package into the /path/to/your/zope/lib/python/ directory.

    3. Finally you can install DirectoryStorage for specific instances only, using this command:

      $ python install --home=/path/to/the/zope-instance

      This will work with Zope 2.7+ and 3.1+. It installs the DirectoryStorage package into the /path/to/the/zope-instance/lib/python directory.

  5. Unless you installed DirectoryStorage into the standard Python libraries location, add its installation location to your PYTHONPATH environment variable, e.g.:

    $ export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/your/zope/lib/python:$PYTHONPATH

    This is to ensure that DirectoryStorage's tools such as can find the DirectoryStorage installation.

    If you will be using the replica tool, check that the DirectoryStorage installation path is in both the local and the remote environments.

  6. Before configuring your Zope instances, choose the directory that will hold the storage state. Do not actually create a subdirectory for the storage yet; this will be done automatically. It can be convenient to give the storage it own filesystem if your storage is going to be large. The choice of filesystem type is important for performance and stability; the recommended filesystem for Linux is reiserfs.

  7. Configure DirectoryStorage as the ZODB storage of your Zope instance. If you are using Zope 2.7+ (incl. 3.1+) and DirectoryStorage 1.1.7 or later, it is possible to configure your storage by editing zope.conf.

    1. On Zope 2, remove the zodb_zb section that refers to FileStorage, and replace it with:

      %import DirectoryStorage
      <zodb_db main>
        # Main DirectoryStorage database
            path /this/is/the/path/to/my/storage
            read-only off
        mount-point /

    Alternatively, it is possible to configure your storage by creating a file in your INSTANCE_HOME directory. This is the only option for Zope 2.6.x, or DirectoryStorage 1.1.6 and earlier. This method mostly works under Zope 2.7.x too, but you will not be able to access the storage management interface.

    Create your file in your INSTANCE_HOME directory based on the sample file included at DirectoryStorage/doc/ (If you are not using INSTANCE_HOME in Zope, then put this file in the Zope directory, next to the start script). Note that you need to change the path in the zope.conf or files to point to the directory containing your storage data. That directory needs to be writable by the Zope process, and probably should not be readable or writable by anyone else.

    1. On Zope 3, replace the zodb section of your zope.conf file with the following one:

      %import DirectoryStorage
             path $DATADIR/dirstorage
             read-only off
  8. The next step is to create the directories and support files for the storage. Run:

    python /this/is/the/path/to/my/storage Full <format>

    where /this/is/the/path/to/my already exists, but storage does not. The directory names should not contain any spaces. format depends on your filesystem.


    Use the bushy format for conventional filesystem like ext3 on Linux.


    Use the chunky format if your filesystem is efficient with large directories, such as reiserfs or JFS on Linux.

    Other information on formats is available in doc/formats.txt.

  9. Register DirectoryStorage management facilities:

    1. On Zope 2, copy the DirectoryStorageToolkit package to your instance's Products directory.
    2. On Zope 3, copy the DirectoryStorage-overrides.zcml file from the DirectoryStorage package or your extracted tarball to your instance's etc/package-includes directory.
  10. If you are running Zope under its own user id, be aware that DirectoryStorage by default creates some files with permissions of u=rw,g=r. You probably want to create give Zope its own group, and restrict membership of that group to users who are trusted to read raw pickles.

  11. Start Zope.

  12. On Zope 2, create an instance of the DirectoryStorageToolkit class somewhere. You can use this object to force the storage in and out of snapshot mode. You will need this object if you are using any of the external tools without stopping Zope (for example, tools for taking a backup, or checking the storage for errors).

    On Zope 3, the standard ZODB Control screen under the Manage Process facility provides the same functionality when DirectoryStorage is installed and configured through ZCML.

  13. During operation you may want to run the storage checking tool,, to ensure your database contains no errors. This uses snapshot mode to perform online checks. is a tool to force the storage into snapshot mode from the command line, suitable for running from cron. For more information run "".

  14. You may want to subscribe to the dirstorage-users mailing list at to be sure of keeping up to date with DirectoryStorage issues. This is also the best place for DirectoryStorage questions and answers. This list is currently low volume.

  15. If you are using a beta version: Put a note in your diary for two weeks from today to send a works-for-me email to

2. ZEO

DirectoryStorage works well with ZEO 2.

The version of ZEO distributed with ZODB 3.1 (the ZODB version that ships with Zope 2.6) requires a patch to support 'Extension Methods', which are are needed to be able to access the snapshot feature across the ZEO link. You can find the patch in doc/extension.diff. ZODB 3.2 (the ZODB version that ships with Zope 2.7) and higher versions already include this patch.


I have not used this distribution. It should 'just work'. I would be grateful for any feedback.